Thursday, August 2, 2007


look... there's a whole conversation involving dental history that could ensue, but let's just say that i have "perfect" teeth, except for my left wisdom tooth. fuck that thing. no cavities, no braces– yet i've spent days passed out in the back of a van on tour, obliterated by painkillers, on account of said tooth. it is, almost literally, the bane of my existence– all i know is that i have this tooth in the back of my mouth that is not hospitable to things like tortilla chips, and prone to infection.

that said, vicadin sucks. i had a long-standing idea to have a halloween costume titled "Vikes", in which i'd wear a mn vikings uniform and pop a couple vicadin and drink some beers, while uttering only the word "Vikes!" vicadin is doing nothing for my tooth. wrong drug. thanks, though, john.

other things that suck today– bridges in mpls. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! i'll take some pics tomorrow, but in the meantime, peace be with the families of people they are pulling out of cars that have been underwater for about 6.5 hours now. i can't imagine. i thought this shit just happened in california and southeast asia, but apparently someone will (hopefully) be held accountable for today's catastrophe.

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