Tuesday, July 31, 2007

guess i got a blog now

Photo by Ellen Fitzgerald
blog about it:

I figured I see enough movies, make/eat enough food, read enough stuff, listen to enough music, drink enough drinks, hear enough gossip and bullshit that I too should begin to think that someone might actually give a damn about some of the information I could parlay into a blog. As if a website and a myspace page weren't enough (oh yeah friendster, too, which i never check, but no facebook for me), behold: It Smells Like He-Man And Weed In Here.


Cameron said...

I'll be charging you ¢.05 for every one of my photos you publish.

whipppoorwill said...

i can haz cheezburger?

Bob Sosko said...

...yeah... not your photo, jammer. you're fat!

Cameron said...

I meant in the future... I think I owe Ellen a dollar.